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LUXBITCOIN Luxembourg is the leading Crypto Utility Token to grant access to Luxembourg’s booming economy.

LUXBITCOIN Proudly made in Luxembourg for the whole world

LUXBITCOIN Luxembourg mission is to make it easy and affordable for people to use cryptos for everyday transactions under Luxembourg’s complied framework.


Secure and Easy To Use


  • Cryptocurrencies are becoming more popular, but it can still be difficult to use them everyday transactions.
  • Many people are worried about the security of their crypto assets, and don't want to risk losing them.
  • Traditional payment methods can be slow, expensive, and inconvenient.


  • LXBTC© would provide access to LUXBITCOIN©'s secure crypto wallet and to LUXBITCOIN©'s partners payment systems and payment cards.
  • LUXBITCOIN Luxembourg platform would make it easy to manage and spend cryptocurrencies, without worrying about security or usability.
  • LXBTC© will be affordable and easy to use, and provides access to a range of benefits and rewards.


  • LUXBITCOIN©'s platform would offer access to advanced security features like multi-factor authentication and cold storage, to protect users' assets.
  • LXBTC© holders would also gain access to a range of benefits and rewards, including lower transaction fees and exclusive promotions.

Market Opportunities

  • The cryptocurrency market is growing rapidly, with more people investing in and using crypto every day.
  • By offering a native utility token that provides access to EU payment services, LXBTC© would be wellpositioned to capture a significant share of this market
  • LUXBITCOIN© also believes that its focus on the Luxembourg market would help to build a strong and loyal user base .

Marketing and Distribution

  • LXBTC© would use a combination of online marketing and targeted advertising to reach potential customers.
  • LUXBITCOIN Luxembourg partners payment cards would be distributed through partnerships with merchants and financial institutions.
  • LUXBITCOIN© would also offer referral bonuses and other incentives to encourage existing users to bring in new customers.

Luxembourg ? LUXBITCOIN

LXBTC© is the Luxembourg-based native utility token that would provide access to LUXBITCOIN©’s network and services, with projected dedicated services such as : crypto wallet and payment cards.



  • There are about 145 banks operating in Luxembourg, including branches of major international banks such as JPMorgan Chase, BNP Paribas, and Deutsche Bank.
  • The total assets of the banking sector in Luxembourg amounted to €1.23 trillion in 2020.
  • The banking sector employs around 65,000 people in Luxembourg, making it one of the largest employers in the country

Investment Management

  • As of December 2020, there were 4,615 investment funds domiciled in Luxembourg, with a total net asset value of above €5 trillion.
  • Luxembourg is the largest fund domicile in Europe and the second-largest in the world, after the United States.
  • The investment management industry employs more than 10,000 people in Luxembourg.


  • As of December 2020, there were 331 insurance and reinsurance companies operating in Luxembourg, including major global players such as AIG, AXA, and Zurich.
  • The total premiums of the insurance industry in Luxembourg amounted to €49.5 billion in 2020.
  • The insurance industry employs around 12,000 people in Luxembourg.

LUXBITCOIN Luxembourg is the most important financial hub of the Euro Zone.

By obtaining licenses and approvals in Luxembourg, LUXBITCOIN will be able to benefit from the country’s strong regulatory environment and reputation for financial stability and innovation.

Steps to Success

LUXBITCOIN© (LXBTC©) is the Luxembourg’s native utility token designed to be used within the LUXBITCOIN©’s platform and ecosystem.

It is built on the Ethereum blockchain using the ERC20 standard and has a fixed supply of 7,777,779,001 tokens already been minted and divisible to 3 decimal places (the smallest unit is named : “GRUND”).

LUXBITCOIN© has chosen to implement its services firstly in Luxembourg (one of the most flourishing economies in the world), where it has strong business and financial links.

LUXBITCOIN© will provide users with access to a vibrant network of services, business opportunities, and financial growth opportunities within the Luxembourg economy.

As a utility token, LXBTC© will serve as a means of payment for certain transactions within the platform, and users will be able to exchange it for other assets or tokens. 

LXBTC© Features



There will only ever be 7,777,779,001 LXBTC© in existence, and as of now all 7,777,779,001 LXBTC© have already been mined.


LXBTC© is designed to serve as a utility token that provides access to the specific ecosystem within Luxembourg’s economy. By using LXBTC©, entrepreneurs can access a network of other entrepreneurs, investors, and resources that can help them grow their businesses.


Divisibility of a currency is important because it allows for flexibility and precision in transactions. Notably, 7,777,779,001 LXBTC© are vastly smaller than the circulation of most fiat currencies in the world. Fortunately, LXBTC© is divisible up to 3 decimal points.


LXBTC©, as a cryptocurrency operating on a blockchain network, is designed to be highly resistant to destruction or tampering. Unlike physical currency, which can be lost or destroyed, LXBTC© exists solely as a digital record on the blockchain network. Even if a LXBTC© user were to lose their cryptographic key, which is necessary to access their LXBTC© holdings, the LXBTC© itself would still exist on the blockchain.


LXBTC© is designed to serve as a utility token that provides access to the specific ecosystem within Luxembourg’s economy. By using LXBTC©, entrepreneurs can access a network of other entrepreneurs, investors, and resources that can help them grow their businesses.


Thanks to the complicated, decentralized blockchain ledger system, LXBTC© is incredibly difficult to counterfeit. Doing so would essentially require confusing all participants in the Ethereum network.

LXBTC© Token Offering

Contract Address

0x6B2CD078397b1Ee8E64 f530C801771ebA76B0821

Total Token Offered

Fixed Price

1 LXBTC : 0.000001 ETH


From 06/06/2023 to 09/09/23

How To Buy


Confirm you have a MetaMask wallet installed on your browser, or use a wallet supported by Wallet Connect (Trust Wallet recommended). If you do not have a MetaMask wallet you can Install Here.


Luxembourg Luxbitcoin metamask

When your wallet is ready, click the “Connect Wallet” button on the website and select the appropriate option. If you are using a mobile wallet app you will need to select “Wallet Connect”.


Buy with ETH

When you have the ETH in your wallet you can now swap your ETH for LXBTC tokens. Type in the amount ofLXBTC you want to buy ($25 minimum) and then click “Buy with ETH”. Your wallet provider will ask you to confirm the transaction and show the cost of the gas fee to complete the transaction. (if you do not have ETH please read option 2 Th).

Buy with ETH

When you have the BNB in your wallet you can now swap your BNB for LXBTC tokens. Type in the amount of BTC you want to buy ($25 minimum) and then click “Buy with BNB”. Your wallet provider will ask you to confirm the transaction and show the cost of the gas fee to complete the transaction. (if you do not have BNB please read option 1 first).

Get In Touch

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Whether you have a question on one of our services or want to get involved with our mission we are ready to help.

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